[아리랑뉴스]EVs cheaper to own than traditional gasoline cars in some U.S. states
2022. 5. 23. 23:50
#스타루븐 과 함께 #아리랑뉴스 읽어요.

EVs cheaper to own than traditional gasoline cars in some U.S, states
"미국 전기차 구매 및 유지비용, 휘발유차보다 저렴"
A study by a climate think tank in the U.S. has found that electric vehicles... in many states... are cheaper to own and maintain that traditional gasiline cars.
According to Energy Innavation: Policy and Technology LLC, an electric car can have monthly costs that are lower in therms of state taxex, fuel. insurence and other aspects.
They studied si EV models, and found that the electric version of the Hyundai Kona SEL is 8-point -5 percent cheaper to own in every U.S. state, whiile the Ford F-150 costs 12-point-3 percent less.
In fact, in several states, because of high fuel costs,... electric cars were three to five times cheaper to drive per mile.
A study by a climate think tank in the U.S. has found that electric vehicles... in many states.. are cheaper to own and maintain that traditional gasoline cars.
미국의 기후 연구소의 연구에 따르면, 많은 주에서 전기 자동차가 전통적인 가솔린 자동차를 소유하고 유지하는 것이 더 저렴하다는 것을 발견했다.
According to Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology LLC, an electric car can have monthly costs that are lower in terms of state taxes, fuel, insurance and other aspects.
에너지 혁신, 즉 정책과 기술 LLC에 따르면, 전기자동차는 주세, 연료, 보험 및 기타 측면에서 월간 비용을 낮출 수 있다고 한다.
They studied six EV models, and found that the electric version of the Hyundai Kona SEL is 8-point-5 percent cheaper to own in every U.S. state, while the Ford F-150 costs 12-point-3 percent less.
그들은 6개의 EV 모델을 연구했고, 현대 코나 SEL의 전기 버전은 미국 모든 주에서 소유하는 것이 8.5퍼센트 더 저렴한 반면, 포드 F-150은 12.3 퍼센트 더 저렴했다.
In fact, in several states, because of high fuel costs,.. electric cars were three to five times cheaper to drive per mile.
사실, 몇몇 주에서는 높은 연료비 때문에... 전기차는 마일당 운전하는 것이 3-5배 더 저렴했다.