as good as ~와 같은/ 다름없는
2020. 11. 2. 00:01
#루븐 #영어회화에 오신 걸 환영합니다.
as good as ~와 같은/~나 다름없는
as good as new 새것 같은
as good as dead 죽은 거나 다름없는
실제 영상을 볼까요?
I feel like I want to walk in here and feel as good as I feel when I walk into my living room, and this just feels... disorganized.
제 방에 들어왔을 때도 거실에 들어갈 때처럼 좋아야 하는데 정리가 안돼 보여요.
▶ disorganized 정돈되지 않은
▶ organized 정돈된
Seriously. There are plenty of Ya novels that are every bit as good as adult books.
청소년 판타지에도 훌륭한 책들이 많아.
▶ pleanty of 풍부한
Anyone's guess is as good as mine to really whose idea it was.
누구 아이디어인지 저도 확실하지 않은데요.